SFI Seed (Sustainable Farming Incentive)
We have a advanced range seed options to fit the requirements of SFI (Sustainable Farming Incentive) Options include SAM2 Multi Species Winter Cover Crops, SAM3 Herbal Leys, IMP Intergrated Pest Management Seed Mixes, NUM2 & NUM3 Nutrient Management, AHL Actions For Farmland Wildlife Seed as well as other Stewardship Seed Mixes.
We have been doing cover crops, herbal leys, legume and herb mixes and wildbird options previously for well over 20 years for use with countryside stewardship and without for soil improvement
Top quality seed (new and clean seed, fast and high germination)
Don't make do with cheap and poor quality seed for other suppliers, you will see a big difference
Competitive prices, fast free delivery and much more!
Please see below the different mixtures, click on the mixture for sizes, more information and to purchase the product you are looking for!
If you are after a special mixture that isn't listed above please email sales@prestigeseeds.com with a quantity/spec so we can quote you!